Conversation Between Psiko and lottiepop

10 Visitor Messages

  1. Was playing halo with your roommate last night, he seems very nice, anyway how are you?
  2. I'm also good thanks, been getting through life I suppose, try to get all my A levels sorted and things, been so busy though! Currently I'm doing an interesting piece of film work.
  3. Not bad at all! Yeah, we've lost touch a bit! Been busy with work and going back to College (finally). How are you doing?
  4. Hello, can't say I've spoken you to in quite a while. How's life treating ya?
  5. Sounds like you had a good time, just the usual family and stuff. Average at best I think...still got some other presents and things so the day was entirely wasted
  6. Boxing day was quite fine for me. Spent time with family. Co-hosted a holiday Poker Tournament, had a bit to drink, finished 4th place out of 12 people in the tournament and had a blast singing (poorly, I am certain) to some songs on Guitar Hero: World Tour. How about you?
  7. And how has boxing day been for yourself?
  8. The cake could be a lie you know... I think it is. After all it's not my birthday, sounds a little dubious to me. Is it loaded with something? You could be lying about lying also, but then that would make you a liar anyway, so technically you're more like to be a liar than a non-liar.
  9. That is, perhaps, a possibility. There is also a possibility that the cake is a lie. Or that all I say is a lie...

    Sheena is a good person, but a little odd at times. Hope you like it here at TFF, and I am sure you will fit in nicely!
  10. Am I to assume everyone you tell me to avoid will send me nice messages proclaiming the opposite?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10