Conversation Between Psiko and Zardoch

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Factions are opened. If you have something your faction is going to do it, you should do it now before things like, die.
  2. I wouldn't want to miss out on something like that. Now it'll be interesting to see who tries to recruit for that, because it'll take a lot to convince this mercenary to join their side. I also am waiting to find that info out before I go through the trouble of making a character, because I'll want to tailor it specifically.
  3. Lol, yay! Glad to see you post.
  4. If you wanna help me revive factions, contact me on AIM/MSN. I'll be on all day.
  5. You get my PM, Psiko?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5