Conversation Between Kyreaan and Alpha

11 Visitor Messages


    Where'd you go?
  2. How are you...

    ...getting those fancy emoticons?
  3. Way to go, man.

    It all depends on how the word "retard" is used. There are a few things that would make me want to go banger on someone. Picking on or pushing the handicapped is one of them. I may be a card-carrying member of VU on here, but I'll just say there is absolutely no class or taste in "retard stamping".

    Example of bad use:
    Alpha walks down the street and notices a bouncer having trash talked to him and being called a retard by bony, drunk guys walking out of a bar.

    Example of good use:
    Kyreaan went to New Zealand to see a kiwi. Alpha points out he just now saw someone push another off their wheelchair. Alpha then witnesses Kyreaan walk over and beat the guy retarded.
  4. Leave what? I don't enjoy word games, sorry, if that's what you mean.
  5. Why'd you leave?
  6. Don't worry about it. Meet me in word games.
  7. "You are a donkey and do not show real intelligence. You are a strange and sarcastic at best. I am the bard here, and my lore will not be tested."


    If you're wondering what I had said, I was thanking you for your words of kindness, and wishing the best for Japan.

  8. No, Kiwi. It was Ukrainian. Your post was interesting. Just glad you weren't flattened with mastered Quake.
  9. I have no idea what you're up to. I feel you're being sarcastic, but, as I've already said, I genuinely can't tell.

    Which either makes you awesome at sarcasm, or just bad at getting yourself across.

    I used Google Translate to try understand what I assumed was Russian. Did it get anywhere?

    Bu є vіslyuk she does not really pokazuєte rozvіdku. Bu є divnі that sarcastic in The Best. I am the bard himself here, that Miy lore will not viprobovany.
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