Conversation Between OceanEyes28 and Yoko

51 Visitor Messages

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  1. Heya Maam, thought I'd drop a line and say I absolutely love your CD <3 some songs pop up on my way to work and I loves them. .
    Hope you're well.
  2. Just because I know you looooooove this song, you'd appreciate this:

  3. Huzzah! I'll have it sent to you after this weekend.

    Things are pretty good. Ready for this exhausting week to be over thoouuughhh.
  4. Done and done missy! now I wait ^_^
    Not to worry. I figured you'd set it up eventually. You're allowed to be a busy lady. How are things?
  5. HAY. Forgot to link you this. I have been busy and tired. I sorry. Carry Me Home by Alisyn Reid | eBay

  6. Haha. Yay! <3
  7. K.
  8. Not a problem. I'm just doing my best to keep my mind off things...

    I hope you get out of your unmotivated slump as well
  9. YAY! Timeouts. Hehehe
  10. You're super uber ****ing cooler than me. And ily too <3

    Thanks missy
  11. You are super ****ing cool and ily. Happy birthday.
  12. Hahaha. If I was on my laptop, I would fix that for ya. You need more furnature anyway.

    Odd fact, I chipped my tooth too. Wtf?!

    Alsoalso, actually, I'm laughing too hard in class and I'm going to keep my mouth shut. Silly journal entry.
  13. Maybe?! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
  14. Okay, forgiven maybe. <3
  15. OH SHIT. ****ing I haven't had internet in my apartment for weeks. Like a month. I did like the dancing violinist and we do look alike.
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