Conversation Between OceanEyes28 and Alpha

170 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thanks
  2. Cheers, thanks for the tips yo!
  3. (Ha, my VM was too long)

    For me, it's just a question of.... what do I need to write for myself? And if I know other people get to peek, it keeps me honest. If that makes sense.

    Thank you for the interest and for such an awesome VM about it. And I hope I've said something applicable.
  4. Oh wow... haha. I'm so flattered! Well-written is debatable, but I was certainly always writing with good intentions. And yeah, it's neat to have something that allows me to see so far back in detail. I've kept diaries since 4th grade and it's cool to remember how I perceived myself and then look at how effective I was at actually communicating that. It can be embarrassing to see my old adolescent thoughts and feelings, but I've never really been tempted to erase any of it. I guess there's a tip right there. Don't been embarrassed. There definitely have to be some boundaries if other people are reading your shit, but when it comes to what I'm feeling, I allow myself to be open in this context. If not, then journal writing becomes a list of events rather than something therapeutic.
  5. Your journal... is freaking interesting and not to mention well-written! So much so, that I've decided to start my own. I just love how long you've had yours for, and how changes are apparent, but you still maintain a really good standard of writing and interest in it.

    As someone who is able to go back and read your old entries, what are some tips you would give for writing a good journal?
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