Conversation Between OceanEyes28 and Unknown Entity

63 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hey Ally, I don't suppose you could delete this thread for me?

    Posted my entry as a thread instead of a post. Again. ._.
  2. Hehe, thank yooooou. ^_^
  3. Haha well great! Glad to hear it. Not cheeky at all. I will sign it.
  4. Nevermind, I ordered it tonight. Laptop behaved normally when the scans and updates finished. ^^;

    Honestly surprised I remembered my password for PayPal. And it went through smoothly. xD
  5. Awesome! I'll order it tomorrow when I have the patience for this piece of shit laptop to do it's thing. Hating this thing. ><

    Would it be incredibly cheeky of me to ask for a signed copy?
  6. Hey! Brett finally bought his CD so I can do another eBay listing. Here you go!
    Carry Me Home by Alisyn Reid | eBay
  7. Haha hey! You got it. Yes, eBay/PayPal converts currency. Alpha and Halie have already done it with apparently no problems. I'm waiting for Brett to purchase the ebay listing I put up for him so I can list another... I'll bug him about it next time I talk to him haha.
  8. Heeey, I wanna a CD too!

    How do I go about getting one? Is there a conversion thingy on eBay/PayPal/whatevs? (doesn't use these things often... like, once a year)
  9. Thankies~! My birthday was awesome. =D
  10. Happy birrrrrrthdaaaaay! I know you're hours ahead so I'm a little late but whatever, I hope your birthday was awesome. Twenty is a good year. Enjoy it.
  11. I could report one post which really upset me today, but what would be the point? It's already been dealt with. Warning of 10 points. What happened to the 30 point ones? =(

    I was jus' sayin' that I agree with Silver.
  12. You know, I hear a lot of general statements like "TFF is going to hell!" or "CPC8 is trolling everybody!" but I never see posts reports. If I'm to take statements like that seriously, they can't come out of nowhere.
  13. I'll be honest. Silver has a point.

    I mean... if people are going to let this place to to shit because they're too busy being fanboys of each other and degrading others not in their group, you may as well go all the way.

    He wasn't trolling. Honest. Just speaking his mind in the same way everyone else does around here. =(
  14. Thank you! =D
  15. All done.
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