Conversation Between OceanEyes28 and RagnaToad

30 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yeah I thought it might have been too much jelly for TFF's belly.
    Changed it. I was going to change it to this, also of Alison Brie in Community:

    But that might have been an issue as well I suppose.
  2. Heeeeeyyyyy GJ. You know ily and definitely do want your dingaling, but I've gotten a complaint about your signature being NSFW and I think they have a point. I'm not trying to warn you for it, but I do need to ask you to pick a less fellatio-y sig pic. TYTY
  3. **** me, now I'm hooked on the Decemberists for the night.
  4. Thought you might like this: Sarah Jarosz.
    She did a cover of the Decemberists' Shankill Butchers too.
  5. You're not. I've always known you wish to see (and feel?) me naked.

    Anyway, happy belated valentine's day

  6. Just kidding. Or am I?
  7. Hahahahahaha

    The apocalypse will begin in Arkansas.
  8. Daniel Day-Lewis..... personally, I don't think working with an actor like that would be enjoyable. It's interesting, yes, but I actually find that kind of behavior unprofessional. I'm imagining trying to figure out the technical aspects of a shot or a scene and he's all, "Don't call me Daniel!" I don't know how he is on set, but from the little I've heard, it sounds like a chore.
  9. Man, I had to reread that last paragraph a lot to figure out what you were saying.

    So you mean it could work for an actor, but not for you?

    Also, I'm not sure why you brought up the word 'therapy'. Take Daniel Day-Lewis. His method acting is intriguing. Not coming out of the weelchair when the cameras weren't even rolling, during My Left Foot. Speaking with an Irish accent constantly and asking the crew to treat him badly for In the Name of the Father etc.

    I don't see it as therapy, just as a way to make the character come across as real as possible.

    Or am I misinterpreting what you said?
  10. Haha I've not responded to any VMs lately, so at least you know it's nothing personal.

    Professionally speaking.... let's see. As performing artists, be it music or acting... Ella Flitzgerald, Vienna Teng, Brandi Carlile, Elvis Presley, The Beatles, Katharine Hepburn, Judi Dench, Patrick Stewart, Julie Andrews, Stella Adler... I don't know, it's hard to name them all.

    And they're not really my heros or idols or anything, but I do admire and respect them.

    Method acting. Ugh. The imagination is so extensive, and the circumstances can be so specific that I think the technique can be there for an actor and make a situation believable for the character within the actor. I think it's theatre, not therapy. I have been moved and affected by characters I've played, but there has always been separation. It's sort of like... a character gets the time I have on stage or screen with which to tell their story. I will do the research beforehand to make sure I am ready to tell it. After that, it's Miller time (except that I hate Miller and I'd have something else...)
  11. I feel like you are ignoring me.

    It will not affect my love for you though.
  12. What are people you look up to, professionally speaking?

    And what's your opinion on method acting? Do you see it as unnecessary or admirable and would you consider it yourself when playing in a feature?
  13. I watched it yesterday at like 1AM and laughed... and then fell asleep. So.

    People argue with me about whether I'm a ginger or a daywalker. It's pretty complicated.
  14. This is hilarious, and made me think of you. Haha.

    YouTube - Ginga Say What?!
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