Conversation Between LocoColt04 and Rhaps

17 Visitor Messages

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  1. Well, The Sky is a good one, and I don't know how long it will be easily available. Might actually start there. Then, check out Dawn - it's another FF art collection, also all Amano, with catalogued pieces and an index in the back with titles/captions. Some of the artwork overlaps between collections, but Dawn has this awesome four-page-wide fold-out poster (that's still attached to the spine stitching in mine) that just looks amazing.
  2. Amano is my favorite artist, actually! What do you recommend, though?
  3. Keep in mind, it's exclusively Amano artwork. A lot of finished, official designs, lots of concept, and a ton of sketches. Definitely a beautiful collection, but if you're not a huge fan of his style... it's a lot of money for honestly not a ton of substance. I can definitely recommend a bunch of gorgeous art collections though!
  4. I recently got into art last year, so it'd be my first item. But perhaps one day my collection can rival yours!
  5. If you're seriously seriously into art books, yes. Like, undoubtedly yes.
    But you're talking to the guy who's got thousands of dollars worth of art catalogues. :3
  6. That's why I asked you, I just looked into it and saw it's not available till the sixth. Is it worth purchasing or is my instant hype simply that lol
  7. Ordered from GameStop of all places back in February. Paid it off months ago. It was meant to ship in June but didn't arrive until today. Amazon doesn't even have it until next month.
  8. Where the tits did you get that beautiful book oh my christ
  9. Holy shit! That's awesome lol
  10. My neighbors called me at work today to let me know that the muggers ditched the Magic cards after they realized I was telling the truth about it being "just a deck of cards." I'm not sure where in the complex they came across them, but it would be nice if the deck is still in one piece.

    As for the 3DS, even though it's already been replaced, I was reading up on Nintendo's website regarding transfers and such. I can only do the data transfer with the physical system available of course, but the good news is that ALL data from the source system relevant to built-in features (streetpass, etc.) overwrites data on the destination system... so I get all of my fancy Nintendo event streetpass guests back and all of that. I tagged Kevin Pereira four times last August!!
  11. Yeah, I was wondering what you were going to do about that. There's a lot of personal shit that goes into a 3DS that doesn't go into other consoles.
  12. Eh, I'm over the cards. That part sucks but I can always piece it back together online. I want the sentimental attachment I had to that 3DS.
  13. Oh shit, they took your magic cards?! I'd hunt those ****ers down. What kind of a deck was it?
    also, hope you're doing alright after that.
  14. Scrap the d20 then; grab 3d6 and roll until you get triplets. On 111/444, yes. On 222/555, no. On 333/666, wait. It will give you more opportunities to think about it while you roll.

    If you reach 25 rolls and still find yourself without an answer...

    Grab your d10 and percentile dice. Please tell me you have those.

    01-33% yes
    34-66% no
    67-99% wait
    100% HEY MACARENA (reroll)
  15. Loco. I need to you to set some parameters for a D20 check. It's a yes, no, or wait kind of deal. I figured if yours worked that well, I don't have much to lose by at least entertaining fate on some level haha
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