Conversation Between LocoColt04 and Pete

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  1. you have my number man. text away
  2. We need to chit-chat next time you are awake and able to call or text. I have a crazy addendum to our last conversation relevant to the top half of that picture I'd sent you and the events that we said would likely qualify as bad decisions. Heh.

    I'm off the next two days - any time is good.
  3. I hope she comes to terms with this in her own way. It may not be smooth, but it will be worthwhile whenever it happens. Whether you two get to remain friends or not once she does come to terms with it is the only thing you won't have an answer to for a while.
  4. I wound up seeing the avengers with her yesterday and it was quite civil and platonic, at least from my end. I think she was hoping that things would be better and like new again after 3 weeks... I think i'm more ok with things than she is
  5. It's not odd to be friendly.

    The thing with Rebecca and I is that we never really had an opportunity to be friends first. We met, we met again, and we started dating. Very odd turn of events; a story I'll have to share sometime. We never got to know each other as people before we got to know each other as lovers, and I think it's really one of the reasons why we're still able to chit chat with one another as though it was just another day.

    It wasn't like that at first, of course... the first couple of weeks I wanted as little to do with her as possible, and our conversations consisted of "good afternoon, how are you, take care" and the sort. That fixed itself with time. I think that's moreso what threw me off so much about last night's interesting choice in conversation starter. And ender, actually... it was kind of the extent of the conversation.
  6. Jesus man, that is beyond bizarre. And I thought it was weird that my ex wanted to be so friendly
  7. Also,

    My ex texted me yesterday out of nowhere saying "I love you" - now, this is something we have been saying (sparsely) to one another even since the breakup, since the sentiment is still there and I assume unless shit hits the fan or hell freezes over, I will always love her as a person... but this has always come at the end of conversations, like every... four or five days or so (given we still talk almost every day, that's not unreasonable). But last night, it was just weird. Out of nowhere, you know? Not preceded by anything, just there. It wouldn't be quite as shocking if not for the fact that she has a new boyfriend that she hasn't even been seeing for a week yet.

    And the awkward part of it all was that I was standing right next to Morgan when Rebecca sent that text, and we were talking about her issues with her exes being strange about that shit, and it was one of those "well speak of the devil" types of moments.

    Ironically -- nay, poetically, five minutes later Morgan got a text from one of her exes that said the exact same thing.
  8. In a hilarious feat of antics too ridiculous for my own good. Cracked the bone right on the outside, about an inch south of the joint. Can't rotate my arm in an outward direction using just the wrist; have to shift my whole elbow to manage any form of rotation.

    That one happened at work BECAUSE of work stuff though, so at least I've got that much going for me. Free stuff, yeah!
  9. You broke your wrist? How the hell did you manage that?
  10. That's actually a really good idea, but fortunately we're both type o. I'm still also working on the cross for my dad, and that'll be posted when it's done
  11. Food for thought: If your blood type is different from your grandfather's, you may wish to carry an identifier on you, lest someone use your tattoo as a guideline in case of emergencies.
  12. Tell her ass to ask me herself!

    ...also, of course I will.

    Also also - sucks to hear it but it's probably for the best. Still never fun though.
  13. I think the changes will be coming sooner than later, fo sho.

    Also, can you give Melanie SOLDIER access? She feels left out
  14. Yeah man, this is kind of just killing me a little bit, and on a completely unrelated sidnote, your current number of posts is my zipcode
  15. Very much sexytimes.
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