Conversation Between LocoColt04 and Pete

77 Visitor Messages

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  1. It's okay. I took Nicole out tonight because it was her last night in the country and we went to a fancy restaurant with live jazz and just chilled out with alcohol after eating a great meal... then I took her home... and then eventually I took myself home. But alas, not -quite- what you're thinking. (Maybe I'll PM it to you.)
  2. No sir, you did not... but that can't be good. It's like they KNOW
  3. Did I tell you about Sunday night? All three of them texted me... and at the exact same time.

    (There may have been minor discrepancies in time but the server delivered all three messages simultaneously, so they had to be pretty damn close to each other.)
  4. Maybe that is the balance. You have your shit luck and injuries, balanced out by the seemingly endless line of 8's and up you have
  5. True story. I just wish I didn't have such a propensity for painful occurrences. But I guess karma has to balance me somehow.
  6. Very true, sir. But, some dead guy said that it's the journey, not the destination... Though in your case, you have some pretty sweet destinations ahead of you.
  7. But five steps at a time would be nice. One's good for now.
  8. One step at a time
  9. It's okay. I've trolled my complex in my car the last two nights, multiple weapons at the ready. There will be hell if I ever see them here again, preying on some other innocent victim.
  10. Jesus Christ man. I should go down there and bring a baseball bat, driving around til we found them. They wouldn't be walking right after that.
  11. I took an even better injury inventory today. My right tricep is ****ed up (I don't think it's a partial tear but there is some major muscle bruising and it pops from the bone when I twist my arm). My left ear has cartilage broken in three places. My jaw is dislocated on the left side with more muscle damage there. Shockingly, despite my face getting smashed into the pavement a handful of times, my nose is fine. Skin on my face, not so much, but bones/cartilage are in full working order. Found another gash on the back of my head when I was in the shower this morning. Scratched it open while washing my hair and bled for a while. Massive bruising and muscle damage around the base of my spine where the fat guy's knee was holding me in place. Gigantic handprints and bruising on the base of my skull where same fat kid was pushing my face into the pavement.

    That's stuff on top of what I already knew about on Friday night. D:
  12. Jesus man, I'm sorry. That's so ****ed up. If there's anything, like ANYthing I can do, let me know

    I'm glad to know you're ok... sorta
  13. ****ed up pretty bad. Definitely feeling it a hell of a lot more today. Didn't realize I had gashes behind my left ear. Had no idea I had whiplash from my face getting smashed into the pavement repeatedly. I bled on my couch when I came home - that pissed me off; that shit is suede!

    I'll PM you a number you can reach me at in the meantime. Text-only though; I didn't activate a temporary phone since the insurance I had on my plan will have a replacement to me by Monday or Tuesday.
  14. howre you doing buddy?
  15. good chat, buddy
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