HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! =D (Now to type lower-case so it preserves my capitalization. <<)
Excuse me, Loco, but I just had a... request, if you may. Would you mind making a separate sub-forum for Dissidia? The game is recent and attracting a lot of people. I try to see what topics haven't been made yet, but then I had to either use the search option (which sometimes doesn't catch all the threads) or go from page to page in the General Final Fantasy forum to search for it. It would be a lot more organized, too. Thank you in advance, if you should choose to agree.
Me? Oh, of course not!
Yeeeeah, wouldn't that be you?
LO-CO... MOTIVE! Anyway, do you remember a (very awesome, amazing, lovable, kind, caring, (all other good adjectives) member named Thief?
you should but the 1000000 gil lunar whale...
Let's see, my tops are: IX, XII, X, VI, TA. I don't like I and II for one reason, that long battle system. You know, where you have to give commands to everybody before they attack? Really annoying and sometimes, I don't know when to heal. And as much as I like X, Tidus does whine a lot. Don't get me wrong, I like Tidus, though!
I may as well give you my top five. Since I'm listing, I think I'll stray away from the roman numerals. I know I can get confused sometimes if there are too many in once place. Six, Tactics, Nine, Four, One I really love 12, but it lacked that extra flare to sneak into the top five for me. The only reason 1 is still on there is because of the replayability of the game. Surely there are better ones in the series, but it holds a special place for me. I also really liked 10 a lot. Yeah, a lot of people complain that Tidus whines a lot, but I'm sorry... if you were sucked out of your reality, you'd whine too. I know I would.
What's second? Mine would have to be FFXII!
Easily six. I think it's got the best story of the group. Nine is in my top three though!
Hmm. Never played it, but if you like it that much, it must be good. BTW, what's your favorite FF? Mine's obviously FFIX!
I'm a sucker for Animal Crossing. I'm wicked stoked for the one coming to the Wii!!