Conversation Between LocoColt04 and Dan558

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Is there a way to get a certain person to be blocked from adding to a certain thread? Just wondering because it gets annoying when a person restates their opinion over and over again in an agrrivating (but not flaming) sort of way. If not its ok I can ignore the person.
  2. Thx for the hair advice, maybe I did cut it to soon. It really was awkward because it "puffed out at the sides and the back looked like I had a mullet My hair grows fairly fast its about 1 inche right now so in about 3-5 months it'll be almost shoulder lengthish (actually I'm not sure if that's fast or not...) But anyways thx again for the advice.
  3. At the moment, yeah, but I'm usually on White Mage.
  4. is ur FFXI character a Dragoon? when I played FFXI thats the class I wanted to be but I was poor at the time (especially after buying the HD/FFXI) so I only played it for 2 months while in school so I didn't get that far
  5. thanks!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5