Conversation Between LocoColt04 and Unknown Entity

9 Visitor Messages

  1. I open tomorrow and don't have plans, so maybe about... 23 hours from now? If my friend Ashley is available, we'll stream LEGO Marvel co-op. If not, it'll be more Knack!
  2. Woo!

    You did too! I think I watched for two. When do you think you'll be streaming next?
  3. I also stuck a stream thread over in GG~
    I streamed for almost three hours! ^^
  4. Nevermind, found it on FB!
  5. I'm about an hour late to this message, but if you're still steaming~!

    How do I watch? You got a link?
  6. I'll be kicking up my Knack stream in about ten minutes~
  7. So I might have gotten lucky with a code? =D

    Also, I'm happy with the PM code on here. Mai email hates me right now. Outlook sucks donkey balls.
  8. Hello. ^^
    I don't know if there any plans for one as of yet, but will there be another Tournament of Arms?
    Had a go last year, and it was pretty fun reading everyones posts. ^^
  9. Lolz, yeah our time is a little ahead of you!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9