Conversation Between LocoColt04 and Priscilla

11 Visitor Messages

  1. I probably wasn't.

    Because of school I only work Thursday, Saturday and Sunday =D

    So i'm working tonight. Woe.

    I'm going to sleep! I bet you're just getting out of work.
  3. That's because I sent that off my phone and profiles look scary when you are on your phone xD

    Anyways, you most certainly can keep her.

    I had a bomb scare at work yesterday. Heaps of employees in the centre went home. It ended up just being Madison and I working for the day. Whoo two casuals and that is it. It was really fun.. but a little challenging xD
  4. You never answered whether I could keep her.

  5. Madison is the other girl that I work with. She is fantastic. =D
  6. Who is this fancy Miss Madison? Can I keep her?
  7. Madison claims she is going to stalk you so she can dress up in crazy outfits.

  8. The rules are probably very similar here. However I always seem to get really relaxed managers who don't care and they always end up to be the person I get along with most at work. I can do everything they can. Open, Close, Stock, Daily Counts but obviously I don't do them on my own ;]

    Either way, I think I would prefer having a manager there at all times because telling an unimpressed customer that the manager isn't there at the moment isn't all that fun.
  9. Well, I don't know if the rules are different down there, but it's called an MOD (Manager On Duty) for a reason.
  10. I agree with you. I thought more people would be working at Gamestop/EB Games. It just seems like the place you would see a large portion of the people here, who are obviously very knowledgable about games and consoles working at. Oh well, we are the lucky ones in a way. xD

    It has its perks for sure. =]

    Also you must always have a manager at your store? Wow, really. I get left on my own at my store all the time. But then again I have been there longer then even the manager so it kind of comes without saying that I can do my job. The manager and 2IC sometimes go and have lunch at the same time and leave me to the store. I guess it is good because it shows they trust me enough to leave me in charge. But my store is always very busy. :/
  11. Om nom nom.
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