Conversation Between Victoria and Kyreaan

35 Visitor Messages

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  1. I wasn't even going to touch sizing bits when editing a post <_<. The size of the post only balloons up after the post loader tacks it back on. When I read it, I looked at their context and signature, which keeps having posts at their signature width. It was basically repeating the thread about signatures being too big.
  2. Ahh, yeah, I see what you mean. I don't think it had to do with a sig, though. =\ I think it had to do with what happens when you edit a post. >_> Cause the post bit does grow larger when you edit. ...It fixes when you refresh though, which Fate already answered. xP

    It's funny how you post answers to threads that were already answered. xP
  3. Right. That person was also asking multiple questions in their own help thread. I was answering the post sizing one. Oh well.
  4. Ah... I see you deleted the post that I was talking about. XD
  5. ....Dude. You just posted in a thread that's almost 2 years old. What the hell. Stop posting in them! >.<
  6. Uh.. your post in the latest dead feedback thread was total spam... because it was totally unrelated. Sigs had nothing to do with it. >_> Why do you keep posting spam in dead topics?
  7. Well, it's a good thing you said something because I told Rowan to look up Furore. That might have been a bad thing. Perhaps Rowan should check up on those muppets on Sesame Street.
  8. Uh, Rowan's a he, wtf are you talking about. And last I checked, he hates this website and he hates the staff. Yet he refuses to leave for some reason.
  9. Is that better? Rikku wants to talk to Paine, but I swear. If someone starts calling me Yuna, I'm going to have to grab a picture. That's cute; she wants you to talk to her.

    I usually end up staring at books. I had a whole collection, but it went away along to someone. Starting over changes it for me.
  10. When I read that first sentence, it sounds like it's missing something, like a comma. When I read it out loud as is, it makes little sense. Lol. But I'm probably wrong.

    And I haven't read Sanderson yet, still reading through Rise of the Horde, and I'm enjoying that one quite nicely so far. Then again I just got through the prologue, hahah.
  11. That is a wonderful way to play your fingers on the keyboard, in such a catty way you can be. Well, going along a scale measuring on descriptive and narrative, how would you say they rate? I wasn't too enthralled by Sanderson, and I doubt I'll buy from him. Some of the last I picked a copy of was Bones to Ashes by Kathy Rieches and The Art of War by Sun Tzu.
  12. So you actually write at a higher level? What does that look like?
    Last thing I read.. I'm currently reading Rise of the Horde by Christie Golden. I recently just bought Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson.
  13. You...well, -(oo)- I don't suppose to ask you to look up what reference I would be making, when I type a lot of times wondering if someone would get the hidden trivia. If you didn't know Mr. Wizard or Nova, don't worry about it. Yes, by the way; I had to lower my writing by some value since I came back on a regular basis. It is not a big deal to me.

    I never did really ask you what you've been reading before. I've only mentioned that I have wondered how many people here know about the first gen of manga. Let's go with: what was the last thing you read?
  14. Well you don't have to be a smartass when you talk with me. When I say I don't understand what you're talking about, it's because you're vague or don't ask specifically enough, so I don't know what you're asking. You should've said "So you haven't read any new books?" And then I would've answered.

    And the grade of english never really changed.. just your wording. Lol. You just went from vague to specific. XD

    Also, why do you call me wizard? -_-

    Also, I don't recall you ever asking me what I've been reading before.
  15. That's what I was asking, Ms. Wizard. I was wondering if you ever did get into XIV. It was a question. You never answered about what you're reading, so I asked, "no new books?" You don't follow along very well or you just like to play this "I don't know what you're talking about" stuff and "the pleasure was all mine" games.

    I'll make it lower grade English. I want to know what else you have been reading, dear, that is not in Victoria's signature link where there looks to be over 500 books and no colorful pictures. Then again, the computer I am currently using sucks. You already answered the second question I had, so there is no longer a point to it. My.

    Well, other than books online, make-believe, or paper, since you don't actually read or want to talk on it, how's the weather over there in CA?
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