Conversation Between Victoria and Rowan

10 Visitor Messages

  1. hey there. Was thinking since you mod the TV/movies forum that you might make "Last movie you saw/reccomendations" one of the 'important' threads that gets a position at the top. Its pretty popular and lots of people are contributing to it and its got a reason to have people using it in future.
  2. Diggin the assassin style.
  3. Indeed.
  4. You really should play the persona games. Great RPG's. Although 3 seems to be the favourite, I think the 4th one is more enjoyable in terms of story and characters. Gameplay is similar aside from the fact that the 3rd one is like a dungeon crawl and the 4th has multiple dungeons
  5. cool. Thanks Victoria.
  6. Just to be clear on what you were talking about with Gypsy... directly linking to mods is fine, just as long as you don't provide a way to download the FF7 game itself.
  7. Thats okay, I understand ms Victoria.
  8. Very funny, mister 'mods are evil assholes and I hate this website'. I'm not buying it.
  9. talk to meeee be friends with me
  10. Whats your favorite anime?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10