Conversation Between Victoria and che

21 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yeah. I think I'll have to readd you, though. The merging made things weird.
  2. Excellent.
  3. 3 Months later I read it. Better late than never. Thanks~ Sorry for my absence. I'm back on Skype/MSN again.
  4. Happy birthday! (If you even still read this)
  5. Yeah I agree with that.
  6. I'm actually talking about one in which Tele wasn't the one who warned me. It was actually Meier. That's the kind of shit I get warned for. I don't think I ever flamed tele in a post?

    And big surprise, but I don't feel like going back and finding specific examples of what I'm talking about. Sorry.

    Also, to me, yes it does. But I'm talking about to the average member who doesn't know everyone, like the guys in member's forum. Though I suppose that's debatable.

    BASICALLY it was a douchebag move for a guy who's normally a spokesperson against shit like that. Yes, he got a warning. Cool. I'm glad it was something. In my own CHE OPINION I think it should have been more.

    It's like if you just started doing one liner posts, or something. Ya know? Don't mod against shit and then do the exact shit you mod against.
  7. I just saw one of the 'strict' VMs he left you, and I agree with it. One liners are cool, they just have to be complete sentences. Not just a title or a word. Lol.

    That's probably not one of the VMs you're talking about though.
  8. Uh, you got warned for that post because you were flaming Tele. Unless you're talking about some other post in the member forum.

    But yes, you have a point. But the point is, Tele -didn't- get away with it. And that's one thing I don't appreciate. Grouping the staff together in one lump just because of the actions of a single person.

    You should know not to do that. I mean, come on. If anything, you should be saying "It makes Tele look like a power abusing hypocrite."

    But yeah.
  9. The silly things I'm talking about refers to things I don't think justify a warning over. The most in particular one I can remember was one in the noob forum that I asked questions about and never got an answer to. I felt like I was targeted for reasons other than the actual post, maybe someone had a bad day? And I had to eat that.

    When I do things to prove a point (what you're probably thinking I meant by "silly"), I expect a warning, just as Tele did. I felt he should know what I honestly thought because everyone else was pretty damned giddy about the whole situation of a moderator blatantly not following the rules and then getting a slap on the wrist for it.

    It's funny because although apparently he has never officially warned me (giving him the benefit of the doubt because I don't think he's a liar), he's given me some pretty strict VMs over posts I've made in the past over things I thought were just fineand followed the rules (which is probably why I didn't get warned anyway, and he just verbally warned me). Yeah, what I said was harsh, but I felt like I was the only person who stood up to him. There were a few guys in the member business thread of his duplicate account who were new members and were shocked that he was a moderator.

    How do you think they feel about moderators who get away with doing things that against the rules? It makes you guys look like power abusing hypocrites. That's where all my anger comes from.
  10. xD Well I was reading your exchange with Tele, and you had complained about receiving warnings for silly things or whatever, but just now you said that whenever you get warned you have to eat it.

    So I was like... If you have to eat it, why then did you complain? xD;
  11. I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be a douche but I think I get what you were saying. That last vm was very oddly worded.
  12. True. Although what about your complaining that you keep getting warned? So much for eating it. ;p
  13. Also, it's not like I go out looking to get warned. I basically do what I want (within the rules, though I guess by some people's standards and opinions I go overboard), and if I happen to get warned I have to eat it. Otherwise I would spam it up until I was banned or take your suggestion and report all my posts.
  14. I got 99 points to use, might as well use em up or it's a waste.
  15. Eh? Attention? He was going to be warned to begin with. So your rage pretty much did nothing except get you warned.

    And like Tele said; the people we banned for duping, was because they evaded their bans. That's a completely different thing.
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