Conversation Between Victoria and GypsyElder

50 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yes I am!
  2. Vicky, you alive ? <3
  3. Rofl!

    I don't even remember where I heard that but It made me LOL thinking of one person doing all the voices.

    Well for red I did for the most part, only because of the show XD

    But yeah I want to play now and it might be fun not knowing what everything is. I'm thinking I'll try Black since my brother got white.
  4. Actually the Pokemon voices for the 150 were several, many persons. ;p
    And not knowing the Pokemon is a great reason to get it, so you can experience something new! Did you know any of the Pokemon when Red came out? No? Okay! =D
  5. Yayay Happy smexy 27 <3

    *gives lap dance*
  6. hahaha, almost!
  7. Ahh. XD I saw you post stuff on fb and a VM on gemma's profile, so I thought you were back. xD
  8. noes not yet haha, I come back on the 26th so Wed. XD

    I'm excited to get on msn again <3! I just get on the computer rarely because it's super slow here.
  9. O_O You came back from the Phillipines?! 8D Welcome back!
  10. Haha. xD Yeah. Puff Puff is badass.
  11. Seducing the kitteh.
    I like kitties :3

    Also This:
    Coeurl appeared!
    Coeurl attacks!
    Coeurl does 0 damage! Victoria dodged the attack!
    Victoria performed her best Puff Puff!
    Coeurl became enthralled!
    Coeurl defeated the monster party!
    Enter Name: B-A-N-E

  12. What was your fave part? xD
  13. Yeesssh
  14. Haha, you liked my post huh? XD
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 50
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