Conversation Between Victoria and Darkdragoon

86 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thank you Mistress! And your right!
    They dont know me! Thanks!
  2. ...Wow. What a really sad journal entry. You're leaving just because people are making fun of your music taste? So what? Who cares what they think? They don't know you.

    If there's actual harassment going on, report it to the staff.
  3. Got rid of it for you.
  4. Gr... My damn brother again!
    *Walks out of room for a minute*
    *Yelling in the background*

    Yes it was my brother again...
    Im sorry!

    ..Is this you or your brother again? >_>; I mean....really? What's the point of this?
    Thank you Sheena ^^
  7. Want me to get rid of it, then?
  8. I guess it is a "Stupid RP group"
    And, my brother got on my account and made it... I dont know what his purpose was...
    He pretends to be me sometimes...

    What the heck is this? Sounds just like the LOD group, but invite-only. What is its purpose? Is it another stupid RP group? >_>
  10. Thanks again for removing those people on my group ^^'

  11. oh, sorry >_> <_<
    Didnt know, don't make my banner, im terribly sorry mistress ^^'...
  12. You know, I told you to keep your RE sig for a month. It may have looked like I was joking, but I wasn't. Because you don't keep signatures for very long.

    It's only been 11 days that I made your RE sig for you, and then you go and request a new one. If you aren't going to keep them for very long, why should I bother making you any at all? I put a lot of work into these, and would like them to be around for at least a whole month.

    It may feel like AGES since you got my banner, but it hasn't even been two weeks.
  13. ok that's alright.
    Im bad a finding picture's anyway's >_>
  14. how're you doing today sheena?
    god, school sucked ^^'
    someone got into my locker, took my art assignment, and soaked it with um... Something... Then put it back into my locker. Now i have to redo it
    You probly don't care ^^'
  15. lol, your nice today ^^ Lol jk.
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