Conversation Between Victoria and Alpha

18 Visitor Messages

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  1. He was trying to assert that cid would be coming back... >.> Well, if his latest post is of any merit. He also made a thread about a FFIX-2 and what it would be about. >_> It's like uh, source?
  2. Well, I was being mean when I posted that, but also being honest. I would say he should post a source for his stuff, but I honestly don't know what he was trying to assert.
  3. Yeah, I know how you feel. That guy drives me insane too. But whatever. What amuses me is that he still keeps spewing bullshit that he thinks is true. >_>

    Usually you're supposed to give a source for crap like that.
  4. Haha, yeah you're right. I think you meant to give negative rep by the way, I deserve it. Sometimes I just can't help myself.

    EDIT: Deleted.
  5. Ahh.. XD
  6. Umm... nothing?

    I consider her accent horrible. Then you said that someone said it is my accent (New Zealander). So I feigned offence.

    Sarcasm has never translated well
  7. What about Kiwi is offensive? o.o
  8. Oh okay. xD
  9. No, I just found it funny. I mean, everything I ever say is "what I consider to be common sense". Everyone can claim that.
  10. ...Is that bad?
  11. Haha I like that. "What I believe to be common sense."
  12. Your rep sounded upset. xP
    And it's called common sense. >_>

    Or what I believe to be common sense, anyway. =P
  13. When did I get upset (I wasn't)? And how do you know the truth (don't present your opinion as fact)?
  14. Was just tellin' the truth, man. Nothing to get upset over.
  15. Erm, I may be wrong, but isn't Snow that guy with white hair, who's built like a tank, and uses his fists as weapons?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 18
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