Conversation Between Victoria and RamesesII

70 Visitor Messages

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  1. No worries just want to make sure my fav mod is doin fine.
  2. Thank you very much~ =D
  3. Happy birthday hope you have a good day,
  4. Okay.
  5. I swear i haven't instegated a gang up haha and haven't part of one. I never really follow the votes before me.
  6. Gee, it feels like people are forming a clique and ganging on people.
    I sure went from 20+ to 9 pretty fast. >_>
  7. So only s-mod and admin can well I have reported it anyway.
  8. Indeed.

    I found the posts you were talking about btw. I can't do anything about them though. =P
  9. Forgive me I don't know how the mod tier system works haha
  10. So you only see reports in those parts?
  11. For shizzle grr
  12. the url was a 404. also, i'm not an s-mod.

    I'm only in charge of tv/movies, anime, lit, and clubs. xP
  13. I reported a couple posts hang on
  14. eh? new one? there hasn't been any new ones...
  15. Well Done! bahahaha I wont tell if you don't, so you got the report about the new one then?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 70
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