Conversation Between Victoria and Zargabaath

11 Visitor Messages

  1. Lazy. Other books.
  2. *GASP*

    What caused you to not touch the book?
  3. I'm.....still on the first book. XD;;; I haven't touched it.
  4. After drifting through old threads I came upon the "Legend of the Seeker" thread you had started. In their, you said you were reading the first book. What book are you on now or which book in the series did you last read? How do you like the series?
  5. My bad, your post did leave me to believe you didn't and I didn't see that anyone explained it, so I took it upon myself. Those who didn't know though, now do know so whatever that's worth (2 grains of sand).
  6. ? Huh? o_O;

    I didn't understand my section of your post. What wouldn't I know? I know why we didn't get those games as intended. I don't know why you thought I didn't. Just because I didn't mention it?

    All I said was "For some reason, we didn't get ____ until later."

    I'm sorry I misled and gave the impression that I didn't know. I was just lazy. And besides. I wasn't wrong. =P I did say "some reason". XD
  7. 1) You did not post that actually in the thread, so it would be a tad awkward responding to you, when you never posted.
    2) I somewhat explained my choices in my post, the explanation was in general and not in-depth for each choice, but if someone asked me "why that character" in the thread I would respond in the thread.
  8. ...I didn't ask for your thought process, though...

    Besides, why did you VM me with this rather than post in the thread?
  9. I know and I was explaining my thought process, which you probably know. So we both know something
  10. *shrug* I was just saying.
  11. What you said about Beatrix does have some truth. But for most of the game she is a villian and is only playable for a short stint, would you count Blank as part of the real cast, they are temps and I don't see them having much weight. Also, Golbez turns good at the end of the game (very similiar to Beatrix), but he is the villian for FF IV in Dissidia; a similiar assessment could be made for Jecht: he wanted Tidus to help him break free of being Sin and in turn to defeat the cycle of death/Yu Yevon. That really doesn't show that Jecht was a villian, but more on the good side. I was thinking of putting Necron or Garland but they would have had to change the latter's name.
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