Conversation Between Victoria and Taco-Calamitous

15 Visitor Messages

  1. ...>.> Really, Tele? =-=
    You're a mod, you should know better than to participate in trolling/spammy antics. >=|
  2. Ah. Heh. I just felt like he didn't really try with that thread, so I gave him some crap for it.
  3. Ahh, wise decision. Also, this may have sounded like it came out of nowhere, but I saw your lil exchange with Nix. Lol.
  4. Okay. Didn't really follow an alignment myself when I played.
  5. Good thing I didn't really post in that alignment topic, cause... Alignments are pretty dumb, coming from someone who recently picked up tabletop RPGs. From a character's perspective, Alignments are restrictive on how someone can act and what kind of personality they can have. =\

    You have no idea how annoying it is to hear "oh you can't do this, because it's out of your character's alignment." =-=
  6. Well, even if you're the original obliterator, you'll never be me. =P
  7. Oh yeah, haha. Well, as good as you may be, you'll never be me. The original and true Obliterator. But don't let that get you down!
  8. I was talking about some post you made in the elimination games early on while conversing with dodie, and you called the 'new ones' phoney. >=|
  9. You're not a phoney, you're a good writer, dangit.... What were you talking about? Haha. (In reference to the last VM you sent me.)
  10. Hey! I'm not a phoney. I'm a good writer, dangit!
  11. No. It's an Andro thing only. Or, well.. any admin, really.
  12. Do you have the power to add people to the special club forums? Kyreean would like access to Vile, Unlimited. I already asked Andromeda, but it was a few days ago. Kyreaan asked me about it again today, and I was like, "I'll bug Andro again." But then I thought maybe I shouldn't bother him with it, since it was only a few days ago that I asked... So can you?
  13. Ah, hahah. XD

  14. Why do you think I put certain things in italics? It was basically my way of telling him to stop, heh.
  15. Oh, that one. Well then... Clearly I'm not very observant today Sorry, Sheena.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 15