Conversation Between Victoria and Hyzenthlay

108 Visitor Messages

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  1. Doing all right. How about you, honey?
  2. Ha ha, okay sorry. It irritated me just a little bit.

    How are you? =] Not spoken to you in a while.
  3. You didn't need to report that post, hun. I already took care of it. ...Although I guess I could delete it now. XD
  4. *Hugs* Heya =D

    Kinda sad you didn't vote me for sexy or masculine female. ;-;

  5. Haha. XD It kinda sounded that way =P
  6. I was kidding, hunny. ^_^
  7. Thank you very much hunny.

    I'm not a youngster anymore. Well... Kinda...
  8. *hugs* Happy Birthday dear.
  9. Uh, worked/working on my post. =P
  10. Good good.
    I'll look forward to seeing it, then =D.
    What have you done today? Anything good?
  11. Yesh, I be fine. ^^ Just working on my post. Almost done with it.
  12. Why, hallo dere.
    You okay hunny?
  13. *pokes* Hiii~
  14. Haha, yeah, I caught that. I'm sorry. ^_^;
  15. Nope, she didnt.

    She said this:
    The way it'll work is this:

    (1) For each category, you may nominate 2 members.
    You may not nominate the following:

    You're mixing it up with:
    For each category, up to four members will be picked to move through to the voting.

    I dont know why I'm making so much effort. I'm not even a involved or highly nominated. Just wanted to help her out, I guess.
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 45 of 108
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