Conversation Between Djinn and Dimi

31 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hahaha. Thanks man!!!!! This is the best gift I've received this season!
  2. Merry Christmas... again XD

    - Its in the mail! Any bruising in transit has nothing to do with me!
  3. Goddamn man, making extra work for me! Nothing has happened, too much job related crap =/. Maybe next year huh
  4. Not yet. I'm still trying though! I sent her a letter of love at her place of residence but am still waiting for a's been two months now and I'm still waiting for a response.

    She's probably still speechless and lost in love with me. Haha.

    So how are things with mistletoe? And yes, mistletoe has been revived! So sig it back up man!
  5. Cristina
  6. What girl?
  7. Get the girl yet
  8. Yeah, yeah, i remember haha. It'll have to wait until i'm back home on friday though XD
  9. Alright. Alright. I'll take the 50 then. And remember...CINNAMON!! (Or however the hell you spell it. )
  10. Because 100 is a lot of man points, 50 for getting her number and we'll go from there!
  11. Hahahaha. 50 points right? Why not 100? She's HOT!
  12. Remember what i said! You best get her number XD
  13. I wish haha, more like i don't really have internet access except for the occassional weekend =/
  14. Same old same old. Only betta. You won't be around to use it? What the french dude? Are you leaving off to the States to see firecracka?
  15. Ill, with a slight hint of hangover. How've you been? . A new avatar right now won't be the best idea since i won't be around to use it =p
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