Conversation Between Andromeda and Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima

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  1. Ahh, okay. Well, I personally think that the fun side of you should come out more in general. At any rate, I am sure that your views on me are probably 50/50, as is with most people...I wish that people liked me for me at 100% though. I don't really know what you think about me, so it isn't really fair to say that, but I just have a gut feeling that that is roughly around the % that you like/dislike me in terms of personality. There are still some things you don't know about me, but of what you do know, I am assuming that that is where the % is at. People aren't always straight up with me, so I don't always know if they like me for me or if they don't really like me, but don't want to hurt my feelings or whatever. Bleh, sorry for going off topic...but I wouldn't mind knowing what you think about me so far. You don't have to, I am just curious is all.
  2. I tend to act differently on the forums as opposed to how I am in online games. I'm usually more restrained around here. So yeah, I'll end up being quite a bit different in games. It's just sort of how it works out. Nothing intentionally done.
  3. Alright, I just didn't want to offend you in any way. I will probably state you as a Female, but only because you seem to like using Female characters and have a Female avatar. It doesn't matter to me what gender you are. You are still fun to be around when you want to be fun. I rather like the fun side of you actually ^_^ You are usually quiet, so I feel like I am finally getting to know the REAL you. I don't really fully browse through the entire site, cause there is just way too much content in here to go through, so I never got a chance to know you through your words.
  4. Hopefully, they'll fix those issues for the console version. It'll make it a lot easier.

    I stopped worrying about what gender people see me as a long time ago. I never correct anyone at this point. I'm just a person on the internet anyway, so it's not really going to change a lot. Go with whatever you feel like. I respond either way.
  5. Yeah, I know what you mean...Like I said before, I had problems with the PS3 version regarding to the Chat Box and the other stuff you just said about the Select button. I had fun playing with you too ^_^

    If you are a guy, sorry I said "her" when I was refering to you. You were using a female character, and you have pics of females, so I don't know if your a guy or a girl. People have been telling me your a guy, so that is why I am apologizing. I edited one of my posts to fix that. I was also just trying not to confuse the other person that was with us in the group.
  6. Yeah, spending time with a group is more fun in these sorts of games. Though when there are new things to see it is fun to just explore.

    Most of the feedback is UI matters. There is no screen adjustment, so people with TVs that don't fit everything have troubles like mine. I could move most of the UI in, but the chat box was not moveable from what I found, just resizeable. They also need to make the chat box a moveable UI element like the rest. There is also the weird Japanese bug I found, that I'd like to know how to undo. And there is a bug with the chat box that I sometimes just get stuck in it unable to access certain functionality. It could because the box is parting off screen, because of title safe problems, but since I can't see it I don't know what the bug is. Largely it is fine, though it is very clearly a PC port and not constructed for consoles. They did their best, but they need to minimize the UI more. There is too much need to hit select to access different elements of the game while in the middle of other things you're doing. On the PC it would be as simple as putting your cursor over it, but not the same for the console.

    Yeah, I enjoyed playing with you. It is more fun with others than alone.
  7. I would also like to explore the different areas and see the sights, but I like getting stuff done first so I don't have to worry about it later...XD Doing stuff as a group is much more fun then doing it by yourself though.

    So, what kind of feedback are you going to be giving? I had a couple of problems on the PS3 version of the game, but the game itself is pretty good. Not sure how the limit break system works in this game, but would love to know how it does work.

    Also, did you enjoy playing the game with me?
  8. It's fine. Relaxing is good as well. I just planned on doing whatever strikes me at the moment. I was just doing random things. I was doing a lot of the quest stuff to be able to get higher level, but checking out the sights is just as much fun. I wanted to try to see the other areas as well, and there is a ferry I'm wondering where it goes off to.
  9. I know, it just sucks that we have to live with that. Anyway, what did you feel like doing next time we get to play? I will probly go Pew Pew for a while to have fun, but if you want to do something around our lvl, then I will stay as Gladiator. Sorry if we didn't really accomplish much as a group yesterday...I was tired and just felt like chillaxin' and talk about stuff. I was glad that I could help out that guy with his hunts though, and he thanked me for it, so I was happy about that ^_^
  10. Yeah, I was planning on playing XIV as well today, but oh well. It is the way things work out.
  11. Listening to music, watch some TV, surfing the web, maybe play something else online...I still don't know what I want to do. I was legit going to play FFXIV again today probly all day if it was available. I might try to get my post count to 775 or 800 too, just need to find topics that are of interest to me or that I can actually put my 2 cents in. I don't want to spam posts, but I would like my post count to go up soon. My goal is to get it to 1000 sometime soon...XD

    I will also be getting a haircut today, cause my hair is crazy wild right now. I will also be shaving my beard again. It is time to look clean again ^_^
  12. I'm going to be playing some Muramasa and probably some reading. You?
  13. Alrighty then ^_^ I just didn't want this to turn into something it shouldn't. So, now that we cannot play FFXIV till Friday, what are you doing today?
  14. I don't think we were arguing, I believe. Just letting you know.

    And you don't have to be purposely be quiet or anything. You can feel free to talk to me. Just don't be too worried about if I do or don't know something. If I don't I'll ask.
  15. I know that it wasn't your first MMO. I was also just showing you what I knew in a situation like that. Again, sorry I also don't like it when people tell me stuff I already know, so I understand you. I just wanted to help and make sure that we were on the same page. Anyway, I don't want to get into an argument(I hate arguing, no one really wins), so I guess I will just keep my mouth shut for a while.
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