Conversation Between Andromeda and Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima

142 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hey Andromeda Whats up?
  2. I also Just sent A Friend Request. I hope That you would accept my Invite to becoming Friends
  3. lol True. I just thought there would've been more new&interesting things that would've happened while I was gone.
  4. ^^ Alright. Though not changing is not always a bad thing.
  5. Hmmm, I see. Well that kinda sucks. Oh well. I am Back, and ready to start Fresh...No more Infractions for me...I really hate Hope I will see you around, and I will try to come up with Great Topics to Discuss with you and everyone here @ TFF
  6. Hasn't really changed much. It's pretty much the same as it has been for a while.
  7. Hello Andromeda. How has TFF Been doing since my Departure?
Showing Visitor Messages 136 to 142 of 142
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