Conversation Between Andromeda and Unknown Entity

117 Visitor Messages

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  1. That would probably annoy me... but I think I'm more of a sword person, especially on my first play through. I'll remember that when I'm using a mage... Thankies. ^^
  2. The real problem that I had was that I was a magic user and to get anywhere in a reasonable amount of time required a horse. But magic doesn't work while you're on your horse. So when too much ganged up that it was taking too long with my weapon I had to dismount kill and then remount and continue. Probably would have been more fun if I had someone else to play through it with. But it is very big world and lots of interesting things about it.
  3. I noticed you own/ed Sacred 2. I've watched my brother play it quite a bit lately, and was thinking of picking it up. What did you think of it so far? Does the camera angle prove too much of a pain in the backside, or do you get used to it?
  4. No problem.
  5. Woo, the search for Japanese importers is on! xD

    Thanks for your help, Andromeda! =D
  6. I don't believe so. I don't do must importing so I don't know how the whole thing would work out. But my guess would be that you'd be only able to play on the US servers. Though I'd want to ask someone that actually imported the Japanese game and see if they're able to play on the US servers with their game.
  7. Now that sucks. I don't have many friends over here who like these sorts of games - playing my friends in the US is really my only shot at enjoying the game online. ¬¬

    I'll wait and see. If I've not heard anything about a European release date which is before Christmas, I'll get it imported. Would I still be able to play the imported version on European servers? I'm guessing so, but I need to ask before assuming lol. xD
  8. I'm not too sure how Atlus will set it up. I could imagine that Atlus may set up European only servers for you guys so that you guys aren't disadvantaged by playing with people that have been playing for months or even possibly no longer playing.

    Don't worry about the questions. ^^ I'll answer anything I can.
  9. ... ah, I see.

    And what happens if I just wait for it to be released here? Yeah, I'll probably wait longer to play it, but will I still be able to play people in the US?

    Haha, and I'm sorry if these are really noobie questions. xD
  10. I think if you import the Japanese version you'll only able to play with those using Japanese discs and thus the Japanese server. I think that Atlus set up special servers for the US since from what I'm seeing all of the in game hints and messages are pretty low recommended so it doesn't feel like people have been playing for months. So I'm guessing we're on different unavailable servers. So if you want to play with the people in the US I'd suggest importing the US version, which is probably going to be cheaper than the JP version. At least I think JP games cost more than US, for whatever strange economic reason there is for that.
  11. So if I import Demon's Souls, and played using the Japanese servers, would I still be able to play you if we wanted?
  12. Sheena got me to read her post in the Bleach RP, and I caught yours too. You're very good at it. ^^
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