Conversation Between Zell Dincht and Raider

16 Visitor Messages

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  1. Haha, Have fun. Good chatting with you
  2. very expansive genre, but i listen to others as well

    ok i'll be seeing ya

    i'll finish my conversation with halie and then go and watch robin Williams on Broadway
  3. Ahh yes the Metal genre, I used to listen a bit here and there. Had a roommate who was big into the scene.
  4. i'm a metal man, Avenged sevenfold (best band ever) etc

    any kin do metal , heavy metal , nu metal , metal core, post apocalyptic underground deep thrash metal XD

    etc but i listen to other stuff like coldplay, pendulum
  5. Well, I like most things. I listen to a lot of indie rock and alternative, some pop here and there, I like 80's music Mucho! And hmm... other than that, most things. What about you?
  6. so what music do you likE?
  7. Hahaha, Yes. Very manly.
  8. yes very cute

    but awesome in a manly way
  9. What?! Hahah, Its cute
  10. ..................zellybear XD
  11. Oh well I have that, Zellybear is my nick ^_^
  12. no idea

    and nope don't have MSN i use skype
  13. Its a good thing, why have we not talked before? Do you have the MSN?
    [email protected]
  14. yeah i'm like that acting on impulse
  15. Hahaha, Yes yes I do want those random images
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 16
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