Conversation Between joleine taylor and Superjord

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Hah, no problem ^^ I'll get on and check it out now, sub4sub? I'm superjord on youtube as well XD
  2. oh sorry i misunderstood your first message as for a link search this in the youtube search bar. final fantasy my hands BJT. from this video you can subscribe to me and watch some of my other videos i'v got 57 on at the minute and i'v got one to go on soon. and i will be making more in the near future hope you injoy them thanks. ps sorry for the misunderstanding lol
  3. Uhm I meant a link to your channel? Or don't you upload them via youtube?
  4. hi superjord yes i do make final fantasy amvs but i rather u not link up to mu user name please because i dont know who you are so id rather u not do that please im not being ns or anythink so please dont take this the wrong way.
  5. Hi, you make AMV's? I saw it in a closed thread. I'm an AMV maker too. ^^ could I get a link to your channel or your username? I like checking out other people's videos
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5