Conversation Between noxious.sunshine and Rowan

3 Visitor Messages

  1. I wasn't kidding when I suggested back exercises would help, and eventually solve your back problems. Im not talking about cardio exercises or losing weight or anything, im talking about back strength training. Back strength training is relatively easy to do and you will start seeing results as early as 3 weeks if you add it into your program. I could suggest exercises for you, if you are interested.
  2. lmao that must be one of the more recent ones...
    I've only seen Up In Smoke and parts of Still Smokin'.

    The part when Cheech accidentally eats all that acid after smoking the dog shit blunt.. OMG.. I crack up everytime... It's hysterical.
    And then when they're going over the border with the Pot Truck & the news reporter says "I'm Toyota Kawasaki". XD
  3. was just reading your blog and noticed that you have seen cheech and chong. I'm mentioning this because I rarely get to talk with someone who has seen it, and theres a particular scene in that movie that made me cry from laughter, a scene that put me in absolute hysterics. Remember when cheech (i think) was telling the joke about how he was going to turn the glass into a piece of a fruit? He then proceded to put a napkin over it and have the lady hold it and then press his hips upto the glass and say "well aint that a peach". The part I found hilarious was when chong was told by peewee herman that if he was so funny, then he should come up onstage and do his own act. It was then a very stoned chong said "Im gonnA tuRn thiS PiEce of Glass.... Into a ****!" then he grabs in and hold it there himself and goes "AyyYyyE!!"

    I guess its funnier when you watch it, but i had never laughed so hard in my life.
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