Conversation Between noxious.sunshine and RamesesII

8 Visitor Messages

  1. lol Awwwww.. They grow up way too fast, huh? P will be in Kindygarten this fall, but she acts like she's 25. She called me one day (she's staying w my sister temporarily) and I asked her what she was doing.. She goes "Ohhh nothing.. Just drivin' in my car!" .. She also likes to snatch my phone and run off with it. She thinks it's hilarious... Even though the kid has an iPad....

    I dunno about abbreviation, but I can't stand spelling annihilation and Philippines.. MOST of the time, I get those 2 wrong. And I was spelling bee champ in 4th grade, damnit. lol .. Texting though is a different story. I hate auto-correct, but I'm usually in too much of a hurry to go back and fix my shiz, so I just leave it all as is. My friend Sean was like, "yeah. Don't text me no more until you get your spelling right." lol
  2. Yes you get a choice as long as it isn't to wild haha

    All kids have their moments haha most of the time they are angels the rest well that can be left to the imagination.

    I'm sure she brings a smile to your face everyday though,I have two @ just over 6 and one soon to be 5.

    Did you konw taht auobt 60 out of 100 poelpe can raed tihs desitpe the fcat taht the wdors are all jmulbed, thtas bcesuae the brian raeds the whloe wrod not the letetrs and as lnog as the frist and lsat letetrs are in palce tehn teh brain can cmoprehned it.

    So no I am not worried about your spelling haha as long as you don't use to many new age abbreviations haha

    Why is abbreviation such a long word.
  3. ROFLMAO. I get a choice! No ****ing way!

    Oh oh OH. Yeah you have three. Sorry man. I'm sure my 1 equals to your three. She's a hot mess. Or maybe not. IDK yo kids.

    I understand your nonsensical ramblings now. How old are these chitterilings? I must klnow. Ignore my bad spelling. IDGAF. It loosk cool.
  4. in what form would you like your reparations haha

    Haha yes quite true never tire OF them, but often find myself tried from them if that makes sense especially three.
    What part of my nonsensical rambling was to hard to get.
  5. What the GD Hell **** are you talking about, man!?

    Yes using both at the same time provides great distraction when I need to clean something or want to slit my wrists right quick. JK. I love my chitterling. I never get tired of her. I keep her up late just so we can talk and laugh and shit.

    Sir. You have thoroughly confused me, and quite frankly, I'm f*Cked up enough to not like it very much. I DEMAND REPARATIONS!
  6. Like what? being conservative? Speaking of conservative whats your favourite flavour, I have this one brand I like and they do a boysenberry it's delicious especially in baking..........wait that's conserve or preserve or jam what ever floats your boat hahaha silly me.

    Kids and books hey, have you ever tried using those two things at the same time haha
    I know I can never get a moments peace until my munchkins are in bed then I stay up till ungodly hours of the night reading just telling myself that I will go to bed as soon as I finish this chapter.

    Oh yeah that's right been I've researching you do you feel exposed yet haha

    jk jk I think I'z wearing a strapless dress or something. Stop being so conservative. You know you like it. ;p
  8. OMGAWD where is your blouse, you have no coverage over your upper torso.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8