Conversation Between lovehearty42 and Cyanist

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Oh gee, sorry for that, then. I totally thought you were trying to be discourteous. That "You're fine" bit seemed especially intimidating! I think you really have a gift!
    My brother has something like that, too, but it's in real life. Like a 'menacing' aura. I mean when he arrives people are constantly stopping in mid-sentence just to jerk and stare suspiciously at him. I think he likes it, though. :*
    Well thank you so much for clarifying that. I really wouldn't have known otherwise.
  2. I'm sorry. I sounded like an ass. The things that I think sound cordial and polite sometimes are read in ways that I don't intend. Unfortunately, diplomacy doesn't translate well over the internet in that there are so many douchebags out there who look for opportunities to be douchebags. That was not the case with my last post.
  3. And you, likewise, are fine. For the act of causing me untold grief the other day, and for alienating me so subtly in that last VM. I forgive you.
    So, just to be clear on this, you're not interested in sketching or in checking out other forum member's work.
    I won't bother you again then.
  4. You're fine. It's just that I had seen it on a few pages, and I just felt like I should say something. If the mods have taken care of it (which I see that they have), then it's cool with me to the extent that you stop bothering with it if I express a disinterest (which I am sure you would have been willing to do). In short, it's just water under the bridge.
  5. Hello again! I've spoken to a couple of moderators and, though both agree it's not 'exactly' spamming, one thinks that it can be a bit annoying, and I've since mended my ways.
    Thank you so much for setting me on the right path and I hope there's no ill feelings here.
  6. Wow, I'm spamming? I didn't know that. I'm so sorry. (seriously, I'm going red here) From now on I'll be sure to PM if I can ever crawl out of this hole of shame ever again. I'm so sorry.
  7. You're spamming. No offense. If you sent me a PM, and asked me if I would like to draw something, that would have been wonderful. However, I have seen your post on other peoples' pages, and that (I think) constitutes as spamming.
  8. Hello, I'm just drumming up competition for this sketch contest I created in the art forum. If you're interested, here's a link! Oh, and please ignore that 2011 title, I forgot what year it was. U_U'
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