Conversation Between lovehearty42 and Kurt Zisa

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Haha that was the first one I bought when I had the money to do so. I read all of the US series before realising the UK had more than twice the content which was pretty annoying. I can't always afford to fork out $40 -50 every time I want to buy one lol. Have you read any of the more recent ones by any chance?
  2. Yes! I actually have all of the re-released comics from the UK surrounding the events of the 1986 movie. The US series I read online while I was a kid (before Hasbro stepped in and said "No-no!").
  3. Haha you pretty much summed me up right there

    I take it you're also a fan of the comics?
  4. Holy crap. It's an FF fan...

    ...who also likes the old school Transformers Comics.
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