Conversation Between Lacquer Head and Michael Swayne

23 Visitor Messages

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  1. heh that's what i was thinking, it'll prolly be generic meh country stuff. But I was hoping maybe the next New Grass Revival might be there xD
  2. I don't normally go myself. I don't really go for the smalltime bluegrass/country bands. I usually only go while they are setting up. It's so quiet then.
  3. Hmm, interesting. I'll be sure to ask around if anyone wants to go and if I'm free at the time.
  4. It's September 13-16 this year. I wish I had more details, but my work hasn't gotten anything to report for it. We are all working on the Rarden festival this week.
  5. Hmm, interesting. When exactly is it?
  6. Hey, if you get the chance, you should totally go to the Old Timer's Day Festival this year in Peebles. Free music, and I think it may be to your liking.
  7. yeeeah, I'm a morning person...when i go to bed lol

    If it isn't insomnia, i just end up staying up all night lol, nocturnal and stuff
  8. 3pm?! That is something I have never done. I am more of a morning person. I rarely sleep later than 9am.
  9. Heh tbh i didn't find it hot at all...then again i woke up at 3 pm and then inhaled smoke all day
  10. Here's hoping you managed to stay cool today!
  11. Jeez o.O I should get a bike, I'm trying to get in shape
  12. I wouldn't know much about that problem. My bike runs on Michael power. 42 miles on Thursdays, and another 10 on Fridays. Although last week I did 112. By Friday, I was so exhausted.
  13. lol for sure, I loved being able to max out my amps and there was no one to bitch. Although it sucks when you can't afford gas and the nearest town and gas station is 9 miles away lol
  14. Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. But it is still a great place to live. I am five miles from Sinking Spring, and the tone of that town as opposed to my quiet little neighborhood of four houses is so different. I think my favorite part of living out in the middle of nowhere is that I can be as loud as I want.
  15. Yeeeah, quite slow, I wouldn't mind it if I had money...or at least didn't sell all my gear :1 But yeah, I'm sure you know what I mean, this isn't exactly the most liberal place to live xD I just stay silent on religious views and sexual orientation and such. Just the easiest route to take imo. But there are still some good people here, barring the racism and overly conservative and religious moral overtones, I am a bit old fashioned and really like friendly hard working people. I dislike city life and such.
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