Conversation Between Lacquer Head and Rowan

29 Visitor Messages

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  1. Well, no money for weed and I've more or less quit drinking, alcohol just doesn't give me a good buzz any more, just brings me down and shit, meh.
  2. So i was curious, why the sobriety?
  3. eeyup, decided to just make an msn account instead of yahoo :1
  4. Hey bud, did you add me to msn messenger?
  5. Eh, it really depends. I'm not a genre type person. I like instrumental music with a mix of technicality and melody.
  6. Ana Tijoux - 1977 - YouTube

    what music do you like?
  7. Ah, I see I see. I'm not really a fan of hip hop lol ...or jazz or ambient >_>
  8. Shes a chillean hip/hop artist. I heard one of her songs from beraking bad then decided to look her up, she actually has a really nice voice and some nice jazzy/ambient kind of songs too. Nice and mellow.
  9. Never heard of em o_O what exactly is it?
  10. just listening to some ana tijoux, shes great.
  11. Well, you know, self indulgence and such lol, sup withchu
  12. Hows it going, champ?
  13. Heh, thanks, and yeah, it's actually pretty cool here
  14. Welcome to the forums. How you finding it?
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 29 of 29
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