Conversation Between pixergirl and Joxsjua

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Judo!?! Judont have a gun, Judont have a knife, Judont stand a chaaaaaance
    i'm so ready. here in California i feel like summer has already started. it was 90-somethin degrees here today (still hot outside and it is half past midnight!) I loooove summer. all that free tanning and melting and stuff. ice cream is always at it's best in summer. siiiighhh. you going to be going to a lot of bbqs or will you be the host? (lol doooo you have a drinking problem? )
  2. Judo chop! kapoww!! well well, well... looks like the grasshopper has become the teacher. You ready for this summer to start? I'm excited for the bbqs to start so I can drink during daylight hours and not be told I have a problem.. lol
  3. yes. YES I HAVE!! but i think i can handle anything you THINK you can dish out U_U
    awesomeness did ensue. no drunk-getting tho (i'm more religious than that!)but thanks for the thought anyway ^_^ now bring on the siege. you cannot ruffle the Random Ninja!!! waraaaaaaaaaarghhhh!!
  4. You have just breached my visitor messages with a ninja attack! Remember, paybacks a bitch -_-
    ...buuuuut(and that's a big but) today is your birthday!!! and pretty much the last important 'b-day' to boot, so time to get legally wasted and make an epic-deal about how cool you are on this day. Happy Birthday! Make sure you call a DD to chauffeur you around because if you get injured my upcoming siege will not be as awesome..
  5. Waiyaaaaaaaaaaah!! Random Ninja Moment! On your page! Deal with it!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5