Conversation Between pixergirl and Heartless Angel

15 Visitor Messages

  1. ....whaaaaaaaaaaa-? Lm***ao.
    how did you get it out again?
  2. Nope. I once conducted an experiment to see if I could remove my own brain. Getting the brain out as the easy oart. The hard part was getting the brain out! *insert maniacal laughter here*
  3. lol. wow. is your brain okay then?
  4. I believe it's been two years, but I have trouble counting that high, so don't take my word for it.
  5. wow! me too. except the ninja jokes. those pop up a lot.... :/ haah.
    how long you been on this site?
  6. Nothing really, I get bored talking about the same stuff over and over, always gotta be something new to keep me entertained.
  7. mmm yeah. that's true, but if you're really obsessed you can drag those into just about any situation U_U
    tho that makes me curious as to what DOES come up often in your conversations? may i ask?
  8. Yup. Though not terribly often, that subject rarely comes up in conversation.
  9. whaaaaa-? everything??? even oatmeal crop circles and pandas in tutus???
  10. Nothing. And everything. Simultaneously.
  11. what other things does "it" speak of?
  12. On occasion.
  13. gad zooks! it speaks!
  14. Indeed.
  15. O_o
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 15