Conversation Between pixergirl and Pete

19 Visitor Messages

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  1. Haha, I broke my nose skateboarding once, and then 4 times afterwards via shenanigans. I also tore my ACL playing softball, a few years back, but that doesn't really count.
  2. lol. homeless guys aren't always crazy. sometimes they're actually pretty lucid. but i guess it just depends on teh homeless guy. do you usually get drunk and ride on subways? :}
    ahhhhh now things are becoming more clear (Jackass always makes me wince in sympathetic pain).
    you ever break any bones or tear any ahem muscles?
  3. Oh I've talked to homeless guys on the subway before... while drunk. We did a lot of Jackass styled things as kids. Shopping carts, skateboarding, just bad ideas in general
  4. lol. wow. so self-flagellating (i think that's how it's spelled???) . awesome.
    what crazy stupid shit would that be? i love hearing about crazy stupid shit. the other day i did something kinda crazy and stupidish. started a conversation with a drunk guy about music.....hhhhhh (<~ laughter so insane no "a"s are possible)
  5. Oh, that's because I was a dumbass kid back in the day. I did a bunch of crazy stupid shit
  6. actual pic? as far as i know you don't have an actual pic of yourself on your profile.
    i meant your avatar, the one with the suit and gun :}
    dumbass kid? lol what makes you think you were a dumbass?
  7. My avatar or actual pic? And it's crazy because I've been at the same site since I was a dumbass kid up until present
  8. wow. you're pretty young. your picture (for some odd reason i can't put my finger on) made me think you must be in your thirties or forties. haha.
    crazy how?
  9. i was 14, a freshman in high school. Now I'm 4 years removed from graduating college. Kinda crazy feeling
  10. 11 years is still quite a while. how old were u when you joined, then?
  11. Probably not being here for over 11 years. lol
  12. woah. you been here a loooooong time O_O oh, wise one! what is the answer to the universe?
  13. haha is it now? I wouldn't even know honestly, since most of it hasn't changed since 2004, to be honest.
  14. very....spartan.
  15. yessss! (and cue the off-to-the-side fist pump) ahem, i mean, why thank you, i didn't think it was half bad (love of mulder and striped tube socks would be more accurate tho)
    you have quite an interesting profile yourself there U_U
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