Conversation Between Catalana and aliera

119 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hey ! What's up ? Sorry i wasn't connected for a long time... long story xD
  2. Ahhh our brains hate us ! Our memories are nonexistent !
  3. LOL same. sometimes I have to actually stop and think about what I'm doing only like 5 seconds later cause I forgot!
  4. Yeah ! you rocks
    I have a goldfish memory -_-' lol
  5. LOL. it happens to all of us, I forgot I even owned the game till last week!
  6. Yeah yeah you're right ... the worst is that I have this game xD Shame on me that I forgot it ! But I have to say that the character face and design reminded me something that I wasn't able to remember ! I was one of the selkies too
  7. well in FF Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time, they have the four tribes and you get to pick a male or female and name them! this is my selkie and she's called Sinphoe
  8. Here it wasn't water balloons ... but water guns xD LMAO I know, my classmate men are little five years old kids --' héhé
    Ahhh it's like that in every school at the end of the school year !
    PS : I love your new avatar pic <3 What is it ? Or WHO is it ? x)
  9. Lol we have a mess day at school where all the leavers are allowed to wreck the school to a certain extent! it was hell, there were water balloons INSIDE the school being thrown, the desks were pulled out into the corridors etc...
  10. Today was their last day in High School ! So it was a big mess !
    The joker was very well done ! I was dumbfounded when I saw him : I laughed a lot too xD
  11. LOL why? just why?
  12. Good reflexes !!
    Today at my high school ... there were the joker from Batman's movies, a giant banana, a monkey, guys dressed like girls, Ryan the soldier, hippy, old fashioned dressed students, ... It was soooooo funny xD
  13. LOL, *avoids thorny roses and takes a bow*
  14. *applause and throw you flowers* Be caution ! Many of them like the roses have thorns ^^ Sorry --' lol I forgot to take them away ... again lol
  15. I know right!
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