Conversation Between aliera and Michael Swayne

3 Visitor Messages

  1. I am at the Crystal Tower right now. You are right about how everything looks. I really like the game. Although the lack of Save Points in the dungeons makes me aggravated.
  2. oh, I don't have a code, I don't have wifi on it.. but when I get my 3DSI I will try and get wifi, and the game is amazing, it's nice cause everything is innocent, I mean the original kid warriors and all the characters are so easy to love and care for, I mean, I felt as if I'd always known them, and some other FF characters don't come across the same way to me, also the worlds are beautifully constructed it's a game to look forward too! I enjoyed the viking and gnome villages the most in the Floating continent!
  3. So, you like Final Fantasy III? Do you mind me asking you why? I just bought a DS and the game, and I would like to know some opinion of the game before it arrives. What do you like about it? What don't you like about it? And about the DS, is it easy to get used to? The only portable I have used is the GBA SP. So, two screens is a bit new for me.

    Since I originally made this message, I received my DS and game. I really like it so far. I have another question for you. Would you like to exchange Mognet Friend Codes? Mine is 4 4 7 0 7 3 5 7 9 8 7 8.
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