Conversation Between OutlawTorn and Rowan

21 Visitor Messages

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  1. Lmfao... Jesus Rowan... You csn't win here buddy. Civ3 is where I dominate most. I hate 3 because it's pathetically easy.
  2. Lets keep in mind, I'm actually thinking of CIV3 when we talk about this. Perhaps its different on the older ones.
  3. I keep everything in check, Row.. lol

    But without a bigger military than [insert current powerhouse] those cities will exist or be under [his] command.
  4. It's interesting that I've seen it be most effective thousands of times going back to the NES.
  5. Its interesting but I dont see that strategy being effective long term. Given the right set of circumstances it seems undesirable at best, but if you've managed to conquer with it then it must be okay. I just think the lack of attention to your cities, its happiness and its affected production of structures and your investments towards technology in science etc, all take a backseat to wartime builds. Have you experimented with changing government types?
  6. Hold up bruh! Let me give you horseback riding so I can watch your cavalry dart in and out of the fog of war around my cities every turn.

    Lmfao! I don't discredit the diplomatic strategy, but I would LOVE to play you some time!
  7. Militaristic Stratagim 101, Greenhorn.

    From the moment the game begins, my first settler upacks where he stands. I don't care what's around, I'll have your city soon, so it'll irrelevant in the grand scheme.

    Now I begin pumping out military units non-stop and.exploring while protecting my cities.

    While you are being muscled by Russia for gold with threat of war every turn, and being aggressively 'asked' by Germany to assist in keeping England out of their cities, I've already begun building my other cities in a tight defensive formation (Alexander the Great!) to create a near impenetrable network of heavily fortified Cities no more than 3-5 tiles apart. 7 at most given resources or terrain.

    By now, since I've obsessively, I double every standing army on the map. beause if you can't launch 2 successful campaigns simultaniously to dispose of two nations at once, your army is too weak.

    Now I attack Germany, because I know England is already putting pressure on, and you've got problems with Russia.

    But you're allies with Germany. So you get involved. Now I focus on you while Germany is already battered, keeping JUST enough pressure on Germany ro, combined with English efforts, keep them held.down and.unable to properly support you while I reduce you to ashes.

    You see any veteran Warlord knows its hard to attack someone when ghey've been attacking you steadily since you made contact...

    Seek and destory. It's about pace, structure, timing, constant pressure.
  8. You're not. I was given an Infraction for"Flaming" for what I had said in the Militarization of Cops Thread, one of the first civil things I have said in more than a month.

    That was simply to prove a point to Alpha, and I do apologize. I had hoped you'd understand what I was doing, but I should have messaged you about it.

    And no, I don't post from two accounts, my friend Jake is Lucavi. He simply created his account and posted from my laptop, as he is my guest for the holidays.
  9. why am I an idiot?
  10. ... No shit, buddy!

    It's okay for the gang to take shots at me behind my back, but I'm a no-good piece of shit for standing up for myself?

    It's all fun and games until the prey start fighting back, huh?
  11. You're being a bit of a **** man
  12. I added you on PSN, hope to see you around!
  13. Just wanted to wish you luck with everything. Hope you enjoy Xenogears as much as I did. It's always great to be able to help people discover it. Anyway, couldn't up and leave without saying a proper goodbye. If you use PSN at all: UndeadBane-85
    my email is [email protected]

    Keep in touch.
  14. Muahaha!!! }=D
    I can spoil nothing, bro. Something very complex and jap'anime is happening to Fei. The truth will make your skin crawl. My all time favorite video game twist.
  15. Hey im upto the part where im in nocturne prison. Its reminding me to much of FF7 where you have to race the chocobo to get granted your freedom, but with this its some crazy tekken style fighting with gears. Its pretty awesome so far! I'm very curious about whats happening to fei in the gear. Is he transforming into the fatima jasper??
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