Conversation Between squall+rinoa=love18 and Lacquer Head

11 Visitor Messages

  1. actually it was mainly the chcaracters i liked lolz
  2. 8 I'm not sure about, I hate some parts and enjoyed others, idunno
  3. i would have to say 8 and 9... im not really sure why, just the concepts i guess...
  4. Hmm, it really depends, but as for 1-10, 9 would have to be my favorite based on the story, I enjoyed the gameplay, but like most FF games, it's just not that challenging imo. What about you?
  5. lolz. so what is your favorite final fantasy game?
  6. I try not to OVER estimate it actually xD
  7. well thats good...i guess.. never underestimate the internet
  8. Yeah, it's actually more interesting than I expected, so I'm impressed lol
  9. thats okay! everyone has registration problems at least once in their life are you liking the website?
  10. Heh thanks, glad to have joined, sorry about the lat reply, had issues with the registration :1
  11. welcome to the forums!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 11 of 11