Conversation Between Dranzer and che

38 Visitor Messages

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  1. Ha, I'll get right on that.

    Do you have MSN?
  2. Hook me up, bra.
  3. Hobbits would also need to smoke some serious pipe weed after reading that thread. Just sayin'.

    I may or may not have needed to.
  4. You're like my new favorite person. (He was a bad ass Magneto too but you probably already knew that). <3

    PS - Ye Olde Pervs <- What happens when I keep clicking links 'cause I can't help myself - I personally enjoyed No. 5 and No. 4 (Mozart & James Joyce); enjoy.
  5. Anyone who doesn't like him doesn't matter. <3
  6. No problem. Oh, and I've been meaning to tell you this for a few days now: you're sig is sexy. I <3 Fassy, but seriously who doesn't? ;P
  7. hihi ty!
  8. What's up man? I'm Dranzer - your recent post in the gen chat (starting anew) inspired me to say hello.

    PS - Your posts also amuse me, so props to your sense of humor. ;]
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 38 of 38
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