Conversation Between Dranzer and Alpha

43 Visitor Messages

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  1. Since I know you hate PMs(lol):

    Let me know if you want something changed, etc.
  2. ALPHA! it's wtf o'clock in the morning and I'm now only catching wind of a Mean Girls ball...

    boo, you whoreee for letting me to be the last to know.

    idk if this made sense, i need more coffee.

  3. Have you ever read the essay We Are What We Eat by Tom Regan? This might sound absolutely ridiculous, but it made me tear up. (I could just be ridiculously tired, but I doubt it, that was some heavy shit.)
  4. So I've been trying to login to Canvas to actually figure out these things (my Professor doesn't believe in hard copies of anything it's all through this system on the school's website). But I've found no such articles, but I intend to find and read them. I think we will have to discuss these things; hopefully I'll be able to catch you on MSN when you're not about to go for a run, skinny bitch lol.

    I'm definitely interested in the latter that you mentioned, that theory is one of more sound ones I have heard, but I have to say that there are many. One of the things I like about these discussions is it opens my mind to all the possibilities. To just to be able to think like someone else does and try to find logic in it is a fascinating feat all in its own.

    Anyway, I'm done blabbering, check out my topic in Prestige+ when you get a moment, I think it's an appropriate icebreaker.
  5. I know about it from what other people have written about it, but I've never actually read any of it.

    Have they mentioned John Rawls' 'veil of ignorance'? Applied intergenerationally, it's exactly what your essay was about: we do not know which generation we will be born into before the fact, so the fairest thing to do is to allow the same 'environmental opportunities' to every generation. It follows then, that we must leave the environment in the same or better condition as we inherited it.
  6. Oh cool, I'll check it out. It may even be on the syllabus, did you ever read "Silent Spring" or any excerpts from it? Random, but tomorrow we're going to do volunteer work at a shelter for victims of human trafficking. Supposedly in the gardens, it's a huge two acre farm; I'm looking forward to it.
  7. Just read your journal. While you're doing environmental ethics, James Lovelock's 'The Gaia Hypothesis' is worth a look (or at least a Wiki).
  8. Glad you thought so, I've used it for a forum title before back in the day and it seemed to work out. I have to agree the current title is a little intimidating/condescending.
  9. Of course you were, but I totally wanted to respond in gif format, unfortunately my search led to these two plausible choices to show my affection and how I will never forget you, Alpha:


  10. So I got your first rep!? Was I a good lover? You'll always remember the first time.
  11. Is there a group chat? I'll sign in now.
  12. why are you not on MSN right now?
  13. LOL, no worries! I added you.
  14. Yeah, I'm really bad at getting back to people. The intention's there, I promise!

    And yup I do. I'll PM you.
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