Conversation Between Dranzer and Taco-Calamitous

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Hahaha, oh well. Means you like dark comedy. Maybe I'll read his books some time though. People say good things about them. Especially should read Fight Club.
  2. Haha mine too. ^^' Yeah, he's from somewheres over that way. Oregon or Washington, one of those two. His reads were pretty quick, too, and I laughed like hell reading the one about the supermodel shooting herself in the face. <- That shit just sounds funny. I know, that probably says something deeply disturbing about me.
  3. Yeah, that's one of my favorite movies Never read the book, but my bro's read a bunch of Palahniuk and enjoyed his reads. Guess he's from Portland, too.
  4. This is totally random, and so two years ago apparently, but the title of your journal is awesome. <3 Fight Club & Chuck Palahniuk in general.
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