Conversation Between Dranzer and Halie

57 Visitor Messages

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  1. Doooode, have you started making banners yet?
  2. Haha, that's hilarious.

    Yeah, real life can get annoying sometimes, eh. Glad to see you're back though!

  3. ^ I had to share, cause it's just too awesome not too, and the Little Mermaid is one of my many favorites. <3

    && you're welcome, yeah I kind of disappeared. Life just kind of got busy, and I finally decided I missed this place enough to make a slight reappearance every now and again. Work, school, writing a lot = busy, but good times.
  4. Haha, thank you xD aren't you lovely. I'm good thanks, yourself? You went away for a little while, everything been good?
  5. Quote Originally Posted by Halie
    If I looked like Scarlett Johansson and a guy broke up with me, I'd have to suspect him of being gay, too.
    Off topic, but:

    Honey, don't insult yourself, you're prettier than Scarlett Johansson will ever hope to be. She's got a narrow horse-face and has what seems to be a permanent expression similar to someone who just swallowed a gallon of prunes.

    ^ In case you didn't see it, I thought you should know. For seriously. And sorry if that's weird, I'm not hitting on you - this is coming from a gay guy; it's a fabulous compliment. How've you been? =]
  6. I know, the first time I watched it I thought that him dying was gonna ruin the film for me but then he came back so it was all cool lol.

    They do have it, I've been playing it the last 2 nights after you said lol.
  7. So, it was cute as hell. I seriously almost cried when I thought he was dead, I was like no, wait that cannot happen. Then it didn't and I got all happy again... yup, how gay am I?

    Don't answer that, but good recommendation, I enjoyed it. <3

    PS - I can't say 100% that they do have it, but I've seen rumors and I'm intrigued. I luff that game.
  8. Lol! Smart move. I didn't even know they had tetris on here, now I know what I'm doing for the rest of the night... haha.

    Well when you do let me know what you thought, personally it's one of my favourites lol.
  9. Don't feel bad, I didn't get it either I really just want to play Tetris in the arcade so I had to think of some kind of reply. >.>;

    PS- I'm about to watch that movie soon, I found it on On Demand the other night but was too sleepy to start it. XD
  10. Anytime! && yes, my co-worker has been telling me to watch it for awhile now, I've been slacking. Expect a message when I do; I'm a Disney spazz. xP
  11. Haha, thank you . And hello to you too. You should watch that movie, it's pretty great lol.
  12. Well aren't you pretty (your co-workers are jealous bitches). Anywho, I wanted to post friendly spam on your VM and say hello. Your Gen Chat thread as well as your avatar and signature inspired me to do so; they're too cute (and I still need to see that movie.) <3
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