Conversation Between Dranzer and Halie

57 Visitor Messages

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  1. Okay I'm so down for that!
  2. I've finished watching both seasons of GoT. We need a GoT discussing sesh. Stat!
  3. I do have a PS3 however I don't really know how to add people on PSN lol. I'll have a little look now, you'll have to tell me what your name is or whatever they call your PSN thingy haha.

    Omg. Omg. That would be brill... I'm only on the 6th episode lol. I was gonna wait to get a bit more of Daen's personality 'cause right now I don't really know how to post as her lol. Arya is my favourite so far, then Jon Snow and Daenerys tie at second. They would be an adorable couple. =3
  4. Also go be Daenerys in the GOT thread so Jon can be all OMG YOU'RE SO
    PRETTY cause I want them to end up together, they're my top two favorites and that'd be such a lovely ending. <3
  5. Schweet. Btw, if you have a PS3 and I obviously don't have your PSN friended we should fix this. Just sayin'.
  6. PS3, xbox, PC... take your pick, m'lovely.
  7. I will take your advice, is that for PS3?
  8. Indeed haha. He kind of reminds me of Alistair from Dragon Age: Origins. All the more reason for you to play it because you will fall in love with him. Jus' sayin'.
  9. Haha, you should know that I'm always right about these things. <3
  10. So you were right about Jon Snow. ...Omg. I want to bear his seed.
  11. YAY! =] All right, I'm EST, I'm guessing you're like five hours ahead of me? It's 3:34pm here as I type this; I will make time for an early convo (on my end) just for you my dear.

    && I started collecting images, but haven't actually photoshopped yet, I have to write a paper for class and I can only get it done today. After that it's photoshop + video games = happy Kevin.

  12. Yeah I liked that idea, too. That's a cool idea, canny wait to see. =D

    Yes, you totally can =D we should arrange a suitable time. Damn different timezones!
  13. LOL. I was going with the idea of a collage of sorts, incorporating the medal with various images of a prestigious nature, etc. Then the group name and then whatever someone wants written on there's; I liked that idea a lot actually.

    I'm okay, bored at work, but okay. And omg can I be your first Skype phone call?!?!?! We can practice our duet! <3
  14. Bless! I haven't started either, I haven't really had any ideas haha. I was gonna wait to see what you came up with 'cause ol' Rowan suggested having them all in the same type of style.

    I'm good thanks, a bit ill though D: youu?
  15. No, I was going to last night, but fought a migraine which killed my creativity. . I'm gonna start tonight though, how bout you? I was gonna PM you my versions when I finished; I thought about making a few different ones for people to choose from, etc.

    && how are you?
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