Conversation Between Cyanist and Yoko

81 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yeah! That whole lack of gil thing! How could they!?! I was so terribly devastated and bummed out by the news I told random people about it (even the ones not involved in the forums - they were, like, 'uh, who cares?')
    Anyway, I've spoken to one of the mods and she said "An overview of new reward opportunities will be given in an upcoming update." So I guess we'll have to wait for that.
    But what will become of greedy people like us? Will we go 'award' nuts instead? It just doesn't have the same ring...
    Ooh, fresh coffee smell. I live for this.
  2. I have not. I just have my ways. It would have worked if this whole gil situation wasn't dire. It looks like gil will no longer be a valid source of income. I liked gil a lot too. Sorry

    We'll come up with something. I wonder what could be more flashy than gil...
  3. Why do I have a feeling you've done this before...?
  4. Leave the kissing up to me
  5. I get it now, thanks fer explaining. (course I suspected that was the case)
    But you see, I can hardly beg more cash for the same contest. I'd be pretty embarrassed and after I've been kissing up to him for that donation already, too. ("Ooh, you're such an inspiration to us all, Sir Billingsley. What? You've yet to be knighted, you say? How peculiar!")
    But if you've got some guts, maybe you could speak to him on the behalf of the contest?
    Otherwise, I think we should think up another sort of contest to make him cough it up.
    Maybe just another art contest, but with a narrower scope...
  6. I'm trying to help yours silly. There's a dare contest going on in the GC. Yours is in the art forum. If Pete has 5 mil running in the Dare thread, there's no harm in donating half a mil to you. Gettit?
  7. Oh, man! My mind is reeling with dollar signs! (that could be the coffee...)
    Yeah! That's way more sensible than a full mil. What kinda contest should it be?
  8. We already have the one with the challenges. That's enough for now. What about half a mil?
  9. Hey, I just noticed that thanks message you gave me. Yeah, too bad I didn't get a million out of him, but I guess I felt a bit reserved (for once ) maybe you should make some sort of 'better paying' contest?
  10. Yeah, that's exactly what I said (with less self assurance, of course). I mean, the people poisoned their own water supply. How smart can they be, right?
  11. No. The world will end when RK says it will end. Since I don't see the world ending, life must go on!
  12. Seeing as how 'Omega Man' is an old film with Charlton Heston (not particularly counted as classic unless by sci-fi nerds) that's a GOOD type of judgement, I'd say.
    I guess you're not interested in all this slime and are eager to get back to some mainstream talk? If so, do not hesitate to tell.
    So, do you believe in that Mayan 'end of world' theory?
  13. Haha, nope. I sense judgement! >.>
  14. What d'ya mean? Methods? You mean being injected with mutated blood? There were scientists conducting the experiment, and everything... It didn't seem strange to me... It's sort of like that movie: Omega Man. Course, you'd probably never watch something like that...
  15. I guess that makes sense. I'm an airport person. Not a Medical person. It's great that he's cured and all, but his methods seem questionable.
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