Conversation Between Cyanist and Robbo

11 Visitor Messages

  1. (Don't Say Taylor Swift, Don't Say Taylor Swift, Don't say Taylor Swift) Sailor Twift!

    Umm really I just use the Rower for Cardio and use Machines for weights, Neither are very good for wearing headphones and I walk to the Gym, so because my hands are free I'll just listen to whatever I fancy on SoundCloud.
  2. People of doucheville, you must ask yourselves, does the defendant always plead innocent because he is always innocent, or is it some automatic reaction, set to go off regardless of his actual guilt? This case is common in those endowed with glaring self-aggrandizement, a condition that the practitioners will confirm over the course of this hearing.

    Since you work out a lot, you proly have a playlist, right? What kind of music do you listen to?
  3. I plead Innocent(as always)

    Also it was the first FF i played and got me interested in a series i'd spend a lot of my time on. I love that game to bits.
  4. Self-representation is acceptable to the officiates in the high court of doucheville (no, we aren't on drugs). Addressing the earlier charges, how does the defendant plead?

    VIII IS the awesomest, but not because you say so (I'm not that easily brainwashed) it is declared boss because I love junctioning. Why do you like it? btw, my second favorite FF is Tactics.
  5. I choose to represent myself, and VIII because it is the best one, any other views are false seeing as mine is completely factual and i'm right about everything ever XD
  6. How dare you - my mother's roommate was a jawa! You've totally offended me (even though I have no idea what those asterisks imply) and since offending me counts as a crime in the kingdom of doucheville, I suggest you either apologize or hire some really good representation.

    So, what's your favorite FF?
  7. I feel like Jawas are mis understood but you seem cool so lets call them ****s
  8. Ah, I see, decently often! That's the same exact amount of time I spend wallowing in boredom! We have something in common already. Yup, I feel we'll be great friends... Either that or we'll become arch-enemies and one of us will end up surrounded by clones while the other is stuck on Tattoine talking to Jawas...

    Yeah, I don't drink at all. I've done a little PC gaming, but absolutely no gym. Do you watch any tv shows?
  9. FF ^^ Umm other than that I drink quite a bit, I'm a PC gamer and i go the gym decently often.
  10. No, I don't believe we've met. I'm Anna or Cyanist - very pleased to make your acquaintance. Things are going good for me lately, thanks for asking. So, do you have any hobbies?
  11. Yo don't know if i was around the same time as you, shit changes, i'm Mark or Robbo noticed you're more active now, how's it going
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 11 of 11